After a long delay, the 220 MHz repeater is back on the air. Damaged feedline caused the PA in the repeater to fail for the second time so a more robust solution was sought. The ERA group had some Tait radios available so Jon VA3RQ configured a pair as a repeater and brought it up to the site. The antenna feedline was found to still be bad so it was not put on the air at that time. We managed to get the feedline replaced coming down the tower but the link from the tower to the equipment was still needed. After some searching a length of hardline and connectors was acquired to finish the run. A group of very dedicated amateurs braved the cold in mid January to complete the hookup. The antenna was swept and all in order so the transmitter was enabled and the controller configured. Many thanks to Andy (VA3CW), Dave (VA3VD), Jason (VE3YCA) and Jim (VE3LMK) and Chuck (VA3SD) for their work to get the repeater operational. Please try it out and let us know about the coverage. FM-1.25m