President's Message


If you're reading this message, you have found our new web site. Before I go too far, I have a few people to thank for making LSRA and our new website what it is. Thanks to Jason, VE3YCA and Chuck, VA3SD, for all the work putting this website together. I don’t know how many of you have ever created a website but I am sure you will agree it is not an easy task. Chuck and Jason also look after many of the other aspects of LSRA. Of course, there are others that I have to thank:

Darrell, VA3DG, thank you for attending to our finances.
Dave, VA3VD and Doug VA3ADS who seem be be able to handle anything we throw at them.
Len, VA3LM, for technical advice gained with a life time of experience in the field. 
Keith, VA3YC, for all this accumulated network knowledge for which much of this would not have been possible.

Thank you all.

Hopefully, before you discovered this message, you have had a chance to explore the new site.  If not, I encourage you back-track and poke around. Let us know if you see any errors or services that need expanding - it’s your site too. 

We have 10 repeaters at our Edgar site that offer a range of frequencies and modes from 6m to 440MHz. The features include APRS, Packet Radio, 1.25/2m/440 FM, DStar and DMR. As for linking and glueing it all together - where do I start? With DStar, DMR, AllStar, Astrisk, Echolink and IRLP, you have the world of connectivity at your fingertips. Off you go! Find out how it works and use it - you can’t break it! 

If you find something that needs attention let us know at You have questions about the repeaters or services we offer? Please send us an email ( or, better still, join the Friday Lunch Group. Contact Dave, VA3VD, to find out what local pub in Barrie the lunch is that Friday. There is bound to be someone at lunch to answer all your questions. Putting up or taking down an antenna? Have a radio problem, or need help with a radio project? Come to lunch on a Friday!

There are two local nets that emanate out of LSR each week on 146.850/147.210.  The Orillia Club does a net on Tuesday evening at 7:30 and Alex, VE3PKA, does the LSR Get-together on Wednesday evening at 7:30. We welcome your check-in’s. Tell us what your are doing with Amateur Radio!

Now for the serious side of the message. It may come as surprise to some but all the services we offer are for the most part free to use BUT they do cost us money to run and maintain. We pay for hydro, the internet, and we pay to rent the “bunker” at Edgar. By all means, make every use of services we offer but please consider becoming a member. Take a peek at "Membership and Why Belong!”. Membership is just $40 a year and we have made it easier than ever to join. At the bottom of every web page there is a invitation to be become a member. Just click, fill in the form and send it off. Welcome to LSRA and thanks for your support.

Bob Simpson, VE3ODR
President LSRA